Friday, June 7, 2019

The Value of Christian Higher Education Essay Example for Free

The Value of Christian Higher Education EssayIntroduction The choice of getting an education in fix up to prep are a future career or vocation is daunting for some especially those who believe the effects of teaching that anyone will receive from a particular institution. In these days of violence not only in streets but similarly within the campuses, people generally start to think challenging ab out(p) the education young people get within the academic halls.It is no wonder also that the family think hard where they spend the children to school. The essence of this authorship then is whether Christian Higher Education distinctly can mould and contribute much to the development of citizens in their responsibilities toward the community where they r learn. This paper attempts to describe the foster of Christian higher education and seeks to convince the reader about the contributions that belonging and training in academic institutions that incorporate the Biblical princip les (White 1911).It starts with family values Every mob has its set of beliefs or tradition that they hold in high esteem. This is referred to as family values. Anything that the family believes is important comprises a family values system. Among the values an individual possesses, the most important is that a soulfulness must regard most his/her values about family as the most significant. Many people dont usually pause and theorize what their values are. They may not know whether these values they already have are still practical or useful in a late day world. More all over, they do not think how their values fit in with their kind of milieu that they evolve in. There are families that take time out though to impart to their children what had been passed on to them when they too were yet very young. The values may not be as strong as when were yet children because the person may have adapted to his world and adjusted his values that new(prenominal)s may be accommodated. Thr ough the years, a family value system may be a combination of what had been passed on to an individual and the values system of ones friends or colleagues at work. Why are family values important? The primary former is that what people hold as important affects how they use time, money and energy.If a family believes the importance of education then parents try to save for the schooling of their children which includes books among others. Family values do work how individuals spend their resources and founder decisions. Parents then need to communicate what their own family values are, why these are important and the specifics of what are most essential that the children must also adopt or follow. Children also need to respect others who have dissimilar value system as compared to their own. Most likely values will evolve but when parents lead the children and model these beliefs, their children will be able to learn and pass these on to the next generation (Values what are they? 2007).Discussion Christianity presents as an ideology, persuasion and religion that is relevant as comfortably as able to offer lasting solutions to the ills of individuals and societies. Because of this premise, churches ever since the pioneering days were and are instrumental in the training and upbringing of children. Historical Background The history of American Christian education in general point to the primary influence of the church in the organic law of education both with what is now secular and the faith based types. The American Christian Schools approximately blossomed around the 1700s (House p2 2007 Kazanjian on Walsh p.1 2006). The schools around these decades were actually classified as more sectarian, that is, more Christian in practice and persuasion than their secular counterparts and not only that outnumber the latter in terms of demographics. Protestant schools then, harmonise to Houses research, had been very rigid in terms of bulk and types of academic mat ters.Back then, their educational instruction consisted of classical languages, literature and none other than Biblical instructions. What made it more complicated was that the Biblical studies were also based on both the Hebrew and the Greek languages. Aside from these they also had to do the Iliad in the Greek version alongside Latin versions of Tacitus historical accounts. Even in the elementary levels a typical child in some schools during the 1700s were able polite such feats as finishing the elementary grades with the aforementioned subjects.The thrust for college students during these early American Christian Schools on the other hand were to establish their abilities to reason, analysis and military position which can be derived from a lengthy time spent on languages both the modern and the ancient at the same time weighty standard of time and efforts on maths. During these times however, the colleges and schools effectively instilled among their students a love for the institution and the especially patriotic loyalty to the country (White 1911). Results of a Christian training The rationale for such rigidity and highly verbal and personalized form of instructions was primarily a pause comprehension and understanding of the Scriptures. The Bible then is fundamental to the instructive process and where the activities revolved around the applications of the biblical truths. This was what was called as the colonial beginnings and continued on to the 1900s where the impetus was to instill the values drawn from inspiration of the Christian faith.The results that this kind of education bore on the society had been very influential and significantly important. Aside from instilling a high sense of individual morality not only in the academic performance, what was more important was that there was a prevailing worldview which was Christian. The results as well do not spill over only in their generation but benefit more those in the next generation (Daw son 1989). The premise for training students whether in the elementary to the collegiate or university level was to introduce the person to the mind of Christ and inculcate that kind of mind to the individual as he translates this worldview or persuasion into his/her everyday activities. immaculate Christian education is word-oriented which implies that whatever compromises made today to enhance classroom instructions which maybe basically Christian, cannot equate with what was then introduced during the Colonial days (Dawson 1989). raw Christian Education and its wages In schools such as the Seattle Pacific University which claims to have Christian philosophical perspective in their stance and training, the school argues that their advantage over others such as public secular schools in particular, has to with specifics like more focused thought and smaller number of students per class. This is to ensure that the students receive better awareness and consideration from their ins tructors which usually boosts the morale of the student/s. The extensive help and advantages that students will gain from a Christian education encompass the morals and ethical motive consistently taught inside the four walls of the classroom (Veith 1994).Disadvantage of Present Secular or Public School Higher Education Students today are open(a) to a kind of education which at the surface attempts to integrate what is called a holistic viewpoint where values, democracy, intellectualism and humanistic understandings are introduced alongside art, English or languages, mathematics and others. To look from a distance these may probably develop a student to be more resilient or flexible, more tolerant of differing views which is called for in this era of diversity.However, the main and essential drawback comes in the form of a lack of clear focus or direction and no apparent or diaphanous line of worldview to follow. The result is a person or individual whose sympathies and understand ing of his/her world may change from time to time and consequently his/her attitudes, actions and behavior in many respects of their lives (Rushdoony 1963).Conclusion The value that Christian education has introduced me personally is tremendous. Many aspects in my life especially many decisions that are made are anchored on the many opportunities that the Christian faith had influenced me through the school where I am being taught. What are the specific benefits I gained?The ethical and moral bearings that had helped me make decisions that impact my life and the lives of people around me. This is important since whatever choice I make in some areas of my life, sooner or later this play to affect those who love me and are supportive of me.The training is definitely different because it looks into how we treat others in the very basic human relations level. A Christian in the true sense of the word embodies one who deeply respects others even if they do not have the same religious pe rsuasion as theirs. This is what I have observed distinctly from the general ambience of what secular schools have produced in their studentry and in their graduates.Lastly, the school personnel and staff as well as many in the teaching crew are convinced as well of the Christian faith that they are representing. Although not all may be embracing the same belief or measure of spirituality, nonetheless, there is an unwritten as well as commitment to the policies that are reflective of Scriptural truths. Tracing the historical roots of this countrys school system back to colonial America, it is with great envy that what we have in our schools today or the Christian Schools are being hailed as Christian are actually far from the quality which characterized their colleges or academic institutions. Though difficult, they were able to harness the beaver for a better nation.ReferenceValues what are they?2007. Family Works University of Illinois extension. Accessed December 1, 2007. htt p// 01.htmlDawson, Christopher. The Crisis of Western Education, Steubenville, Ohio Franciscan University Press, 1989 pp. 8-9.House, Ben.Classical Christian Education A Look at Some History 2007 Accessed December 2, 2007 http// ristian_education/classic_educ.htmlKazanjian, Victor Jr. and Peter Laurence (Eds). Education as Transformation Religious Pluralism, Spirituality, and a New heap for Higher Education in America. Peter Lang Publishing, New York. 2006.Rushdoony,Rousas J, The Messianic Character of American Education, Philipsburg Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 1963.Veith, Gene Edward Jr., Postmodern Times A Christian Guide to Contemporary Thought and Culture, (Wheaton Crossway Books, 1994.White, Henry Alexander. Southern Presbyterian Leaders, New York Neale Publishing Company, 1911. pp. 59-60.

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