Monday, June 3, 2019

The Tourism Product Companys Role

The crookistry Product Companys RoleDiscuss the importance of delivering attribute usefulnesss in the cordial reception perseverance and identify differences if any between service oral communication in the hospitality and service delivery in other art. touristry is our main beginning of income in Jamaica so we depend highly on the touristry industry, in order to grow a booming industry we must provide quality service. Some of the services that we offer be transportation by air, land and sea, adventure and we also provide a relaxing atmosphere just to arouse a some.We also provide good customer service, customer delight which is exceeding our customers (tourist) expectations and creating raving fans for your business. Two main reasons for customer delight atomic number 18 to continue business and to persuade them to be ambassadors for our services. Good customer service provides good bequeath, increased repeat business, excellent word of m asideh marketing, respect and recognition of being professional. (company, 2006)In every business customer service is key, they aver on repeat customers for the growth of their business if the customer is not satisfied with the take aim of service they win from a business they will not go back to said place. The difference between service deliveries in the hospitality industry to service delivery in other businesses is that in a business like Grace Kennedy they use indirect services, which include financing, transport and communication they are supportive of the macrocosm of goods and services. They make it affirmable for the goods that have been produced to be distributed and made available to the customers for whom they are in run awayed however in the Hospitality industry they use indirect service this includes such areas as Education, Health care, Administrative services and touristry. Tourism is one indirect service that demands our superfluous attention. In most of the Caribbean territories like Jamaica touristry regularise as the highest study industries. It provides a high level of employment, is a great earner of foreign swap, and supports many other businesses, including Hotels, Entertainment, Cottage industry and Farming. (Elise Webber, 1990)COMMUNITY found TOURISMCommunity base tourism has, for over three decades, been promoted as a means of victimisation whereby the social, milieual and economic needs of local communities are meet by the offering of a tourism product. However, whilst many projects have been funded in developing countries, their success (or otherwise) has not been widely monitored and, therefore, the actual benefits to local communities confront largely unqualified.Identify the pros and cons of community found tourism and discuss the implications on the country on a whole.Community based tourism is usu all in ally have and operated by people in the community. Most Jamaicans feel alienated from the tourism industry and do not believe that they benefit from tourism. It therefore, becomes important for individuals to become stakeholders as they will now have a reason to protect and sustain the industry. The Tourism Master Plan has identified community tourism as the avenue to achieve sustained growth, environmental sustainability, enhanced visitor experience, increased employment and community culture. (company, 2006)Community Tourism was developed and pioneered in Mandeville Jamaica by Diana McIntyre-Pike, hotelier/tourism consultant and Desmond Henry an ex-Director of Tourism in 1978. The Astra Country Inn became the centre for Community Tourism and has been recognized as the pioneer hotel in Community Tourism. some(prenominal) presentations have been done locally and internationally by Mrs. McIntyre-Pike and Mr. Henry on Community Tourism which has now allowed it to become a world recognized tourism. For example, the external Institute for Peace through Tourism invited Mrs. McIntyre-Pike as one of the worlds 200 success stories speakers at their second Global Conference in 1994 to present the write up of Community Tourism and its future. Since then the Institute has selected the Astra Country Inn as one of its case studies internationally in community-based tourism. (Pike)Community Tourism embraces sustainable development through tourism and focuses on the ecology, heritage, culture and way of life of a community and its people. Eco-tourism, Heritage Tourism, Cultural Tourism, Adventure Tourism are a few examples of the types of finical interest markets under community tourism. There tends to be much confusion of Community Tourism as it is being seen as one of the special interest type of tourism rather than what it really is a tourism that is community-based in all aspects of the way of life. Sustainable tourism cannot be successful without the corporation of communities in the development and management. In 1988, Country style was created as the marketing and development organization for Community Tourism. Country style worked in association with the profound and South Tourism Organization (CESTO) to develop the Community Tourism computer programme. The central and south area of the island was tar circumvented as the model region for the development. The main focus is onPrivate Home stays where visitors can stay in a private home with families and experience their way of life during their vacation. This has proved very successful as it has enabled visitors to get the best of Jamaicas hospitality, learn the culture, heritage, entertainment, cuisine and more. Country style now receives daily requests for this type of accommodation through e-mail and fax from all over the world.Bed Breakfast accommodation is also encouraged in the communitiesparticipating. Anyone interested in becoming an official bed breakfast facility are advised the requirements ask for TPDCo. Country style is very selective where their visitors stay and has had a successful level of satis concomitantion.Country style specializes in serving special interest markets. Thesemarkets are researched and tour softwares are developed to suit the interests of visitors. An educational institution uses Jamaica through Country styles Community Tourism programme as a lab of cross- heathenish study and research. For example Penn State University was the pioneer educational institution which requested Country style to develop an all-island tourism and environmental package which included community interaction and meeting resource persons working directly in tourism. Seminars were held in each location where the good, bad and ugly of the community was openly discussed, analyzed and recommendations for action determined. This information inciteed Country style to assist communities in developing projects for improving the product.The Country style Institute for Sustainable Tourism (CIST) was created to facilitate community training through vivacious training institutions for susta inable development through tourism. Major partners include CESTO, HEART- Trust/NTA-Kenilworth, NCTVET, West Indies College, Knox Community College, advanced Beulah Moravian Church, Hibiscus Cultural Tours International, Western Catering School, Penn State University, Caribbean Action for Sustainable Tourism (CAST). CAST has endorsed the work of CIST and has indicated interest in collaborating with CIST to develop the Caribbean community training programme for Sustainable Tourism. The Executive Director of CIST is Mr. Barry Bonito (Pike)Country style Community Tours has successfully attracted many visitorsthrough the Community Experience packages which give visitors the flexibility to tour Jamaica with community persons and allowing them to stay in Villages Island wide which has been sensitized by the Country style group. Visitors are protected from harassment and crime because of the approach of educating communities before they are exposed to visitors. The visitor responses to the se packages in Jamaica have now encouraged Country style to develop Caribbean packages (Pike)The regimes constituent in the development of community based tourism is to arrest that adequate infrastructure is in place, for example, roads, light, water and telecommunication services. To ensure that training programmes are implemented based on individual skills and the requirement of the project. To ensure that effective marketing programmes are implemented and to ensure that adequate safety and security measures are put in place. (company, 2006)The Tourism Product Development Companys role in the development of community tourism to assist in project development ensuring that necessary amenities and physical structures are in place through the project Development Department. To ensure that tourism entities are on par with the required standard of the industry through the standards development. To ensure that individuals are trained in various skill areas such as management and techn ical support of the development of community tourism, tour guiding, CPR First Aid, customer service and tourism awareness. These programmes would be implemented by the human resource development. (company, 2006)Some benefits of Community based tourism is that it provides employment for persons in the community, increase opportunity for social and heathen interchange, it increase income which will allow improvement of infrastructure and enhancement of the community and provide the quality of life. (company, 2006)Cultural preservation (economic incentives to preserve food, fashion, festivals and physical history, but these tend to be superficial elements of a culture.)environmental protection (econ incentives to preserve nature, wildlife and urban cleanliness)Foreign exchange (generates resources to import food, pharmaceuticals, technology, consumer goods.)Development of health care services (those these arent ever available to local people.) (unknown, about ct/benefits.htm)Accordi ng to the Gleaner published Monday October 2 2001, Former Tourism director Desmond Henry criticized the Jamaica tourist board (JTB) for not recognizing the development of community based tourism on the south coast the future of Jamaicas tourism is on the south coast and it lies in community tourism. There is a whole lot to be done, there is a need for additional rooms but the most important thing is the need for trainees and the community has to examine its role in this important development. He went on to say that the Jamaica Tourist Board has not taken community tourism seriously enough to assist those involved. By employing trainees in the community this will abate unemployment and poverty in said community. (, 2011)Tourism Minister, Hon. Edmund Bartlett, says community-based tourism has the potential to significantly boost employment for persons in rural Jamaica, while gain ground driving the development of the product. Speaking at the National Consulta tion on Community-based tourism, held at the Devonshire Restaurant at Devon House, in capital of Jamaica on September 8, Mr. Bartlett said the policy framework for the community-based tourism strategy will facilitate the provision of a wide range of employment opportunities in the sector.The consultation aims to facilitate further dialogue among stakeholders on the draft Community-based Tourism Policy and Strategy, which has been submitted to Cabinet for consideration.In January 2010, the Ministry of Tourism and the Jamaica Social Investment farm animal (JSIF) signed an agreement for the development of a community-based tourism policy under the Rural Economic Development Initiative (REDI) project. The project is being funded by the Government of Jamaica and the World Bank, through a US$15 million loan.This will benefit and empower many vulnerable groups, such as women, young people, as well as under-skilled and unemployed individuals, the Minister noted.Mr. Bartlett said the polic y will also benefactor to address numerous weaknesses at the community level that have hampered the growth of community-based tourism enterprises for years, such as the lack of entrepreneurial capacity, and a limited understanding of tourism markets and the sector in general. The policy will target these shortcomings by providing appropriate approaches to planning and management for such entities as well as institutional arrangements, technical assistance and support, he explained.Mr. Bartlett sensible that the policy and strategy, being developed under the guidance of the JSIF, is intended to facilitate the development of a framework aimed at enhancing the policy and institutional capacity needed to develop community-based tourism as a sustainable growth sector locally.I must underscore that this is a vital initiative, as despite the fact that the tourism sector remains the islands primary foreign exchange earner and the driving force of the Jamaican economy, there is still consi derable potential for further growth and development, he said.Despite our successes to date, broadening our range of tourism offerings remains an important pillar in our thrust to diversify our product, and developing community based tourism is key to this initiative, he remarked. (unknown,, 2011)Some disadvantage of community based tourism isCultural destruction, (modernization (world mono-culture), freezes culture as performers, loss language, religion, rituals, material culture.)primary products (sun, sand, surf, safari, suds, ski, sex) (little entertain added, neo-colonialism)Environmental destruction (game drives, resorts golf, ski, beach, desert, world as play ground, SUV.)Marginal employment (low skill, low wage, menial services, prostitution, drug trade, gambling, hustlers.)Low benefits (no job security, no health care, no organizing, no work safety rules or enviro standards.)Development of illegal and/or destructive economic activities (markets for drugs, endangered species, etc.)Outside hiring (skilled middle and senior management recruited out of the area and transferred in.)Concentration employment (walled resort enclaves.)seasonal employment. (mozer)Solutions (for visitor)act to support cultural diversityengage in activities that add value to the communitydont do activities that deteriorate the environmentdont engage in illegal activitiesact to disperse the benefitsPatronize locally (community) owned enterprises.Solutions (for the host)support the conventional cultural legacy readiness and education in local culture, history, natural science, development and activities that draw from local traditions and add value to the communitydont promote activities that deteriorate the environmentdont engage in illegal activitiesadopt a program to disperse the benefitsPatronize locally produced products and locally (community) owned enterprises.Make business and foreign exchange transactions transparent and efficient. (unknown, about ct/benefits.htm)2) Community based tourism is an alternative type of tourism that can be used to diversify Jamaica Tourism Product and provide Jamaica with a competitive advantage.Minister of State in the Ministry of Tourism and Entertainment Damion Crawford says the sector has to diversify its products if tourism is to play a major role in the countrys development.Crawford says tourism can play a pivotal role in Jamaicas development, but adds that offering the same products to every visitor cannot be the answer.Speaking at a recent symposium at the Mona Campus of the University of the West Indies, Mr. Crawford echoed calls for the west Kingston community of Trench Town to be promoted as an area for cultural tourism.He says although the community was made popular by Jamaican music icon Bob Marley, it is still not promoted for the cultural experience. (, 2011)Community based tourism is good for the countrys economic growth and it help to decrease poverty. According to the UWI Community based tourism, however, offers a unique opportunity for Jamaica. The process of community based tourism development if managed effectively has the potential to alleviate poverty and illiteracy. Community based tourism also has the potential to develop the natural creative energy of Jamaicans by transforming average citizens into entrepreneurs. It can be used to develop strong partnerships by twinning existing traditional tourism entrepreneurs. It can be combined with the existing tourism product offerings to create a uniquely Jamaica experience. Community based tourism can be a standalone venture of a partnership of the traditional products blended with Jamaican charm, culture and heritage to create a community tourism spirit that culminates in a truly Jamaican experience. Community based tourism can bring out the best in Jamaican people. (UNKNOWN)TechnologyTechnology has significant impact on the development of the travel and tourism industry. Discus sTechnology has played a significant role in the development of the tourism and travel industry. This has been seen through the internet, telecommunication services and point of sales agreement (POS).By using the internet it is easier for you to go on vacation without the hassle, you no longer have to guess if the destination u want to go have the facilities you want you can now go on the internet and research your destination. Also if youre a adventurous person and your coming to Jamaica the internet would also help you to find a hotel near the places you want to see, For example if u wanted to visit Dolphin cove, Dunns river and mystic mountains by doing your research you would not book a hotel in Kingston which is too far from where u wanted to be. By using the internet u could also check to see when it is cheaper for you to travel and get deals with the hotels and airline. You also want to know that when u are going on vacation u can access your bank account.If all this is not possible then u would not want to go on vacation. You want to know that u can still stay in contact with your business while relaxing on the beach.CONCLUSIONIn conclusion delivering quality service is very important not only in the tourist industry but in other businesses. If customers are not satisfied with the level of service they get they will not come back to your business and we rely mostly on our repeat customers.Community based tourism is also important because it allows the local residents to be involved in tourism and it provides employment and decrease poverty.Technology is important in the tourism industry because without it persons would not leave their business or family to go on vacation knowing that they are not going to be in contact with them.

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