Saturday, June 1, 2019

Texas Involvment In Slavery Essay examples -- Slavery Essays

One of the most uniquesituations during the period of the well-behaved War in the States wasthe involvement of the state of Texas in the Confederacy.Although it was once its own Republic separate from theUnited States of America through annexation, Texas was notentirely unique when it came to the institution of slavery. fairlike in all other southern states, slavery, and the use of slavelabor, was a major factor of the states agricultural economy.During the course of instructions around and through the Civil War, Texasbecame a home for many transient southerners in calculate ofsanctuary from the almost enviable furthering ofemancipation. Long before the war, Texas had been thestomping ground for runaway slaves enroute to Mexico andin search of freedom. The state of Texas was not only one ofthe new frontier territories toward the west but it becameone of the final places in America were slavery waspracticed. Because of its geography often of Texasremained untouched and unsettled . Many adventurousplantation owners felt it necessary to keep news of the warand emancipation from their slaves as much as a year afterthe end of the war.(Campbell 249) The topic I have chosenfor my research to discuss the history of slavery in Texasduring the years of the Civil War. How the institution was neutered because of the Civil War and the process by whichemancipation was handed to black -Texans is the focus ofmy report. I would like to uncover how and why slave laborwas utilise to both protect the state, the Confederacy and theinstitution that held the future of the American Negro forever.Well before the beginning of the Civil War, Texas and someof its surrounding territories were property of Spain conscionable likeits southern neighbor, Mexico. Soon after realizing theirparticular suppression by Spain, Mexico fought for, and wonits independence from its mother country. Mexico now hadcontrol of their country and the territory of Texas. As moreAmericans moved west and int o Texas it became evidentthat there was going to be a continued clash betweenMexico and the white frontiersmen who quickly flooded certain(a) areas. The American government wanted to purchasethis valuable land but eventually it was taken by Americanfrontiersmen where it was declared its own realm. Fearful ofthe want of power if allowed into the Union, Texas expressedin 1836 ... ...tely unchanged by wartime activates. Althoughthousands of slaves were impressed for wartime use only afew lost their lives while fortifying and working along thefront lines of southern Texas. As for the vast majority ofslaves who were not impressed they went along with theirnormal production during the Civil War as if freedom wasthe last social occasion they expected in the next few years. Someslaves in Texas did not even know about the war until it hadbeen over for months, some revolted long before. As thearmies of Texas argued over whether it should send itstroops to other states to fight, the institu tion of slavery wentfull steam ahead. After the end of the war many blacksbegan to realize the hatred that approach them and how manywhites in Texas would do anything in order to ensure thatthey(whites) would always be the ruling class. Opportunitydid not come easy to blacks, but prejudice did. Almost untilthe very end of the Civil War, Texans seemed to be denyingthe fact that an end coming to their precious "right" to ownand oppress their "inferior" and "heathen" God-givenservants. address of chew (1995) University of Maryland

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