Thursday, November 28, 2019
Discrimination Essays (367 words) - Discrimination, Social Problems
Discrimination Because I wasn't here for the full length of the video I am unable to reflect on the movie in its entirety. But instead, I will fill you with my recent thoughts and analysis of prejudice and general discrimination. I hope this will be thought provoking for you as well. The harsh reaction of the students at the particular white high school was to be expected. After decades of monotonous all white education, the students and faculty were naturally frightened to take this gigantic unexplored step. It was a natural protection of their ?white territory? of comfort and security. They were also stereotypical towards blacks perhaps from rumors or television. Blacks were thought to be dirty, smelly, rude and violent. However, one cloud that needs to be cleared is that the students and faculty members weren't directly discriminating the black students for their charcoal appearance. Rather, they were prejudice against them for because of their ignorant stereotypical views of what blacks were, violent, dirty etc. The discriminating acts of categorizing are practiced just as often today as it was decades ago. For example, when we are walking alone and we see a pack of big black people on the sidewalk we immediately feel extremely threatened more so than if thos e men are white. The initial discrimination of different people in modern day is derived from the reputation that the majority of that the particular group has made for themselves. For example, blacks are known today for excessive crime and violence, so therefore we would naturally feel more frightened to see a group of blacks, we'd think they are gangsters. So I do not blame those who dislike a certain group of people because of their reputation for doing harm. However, discriminating people based solely on the fact that they have a different appearance is totally immature and closed-minded. This type of senseless discrimination is still in existence today for example towards Asians and Jews. The people who discriminate against those who are simply different them lack a sense of identity in their lives. Instead of respecting others for their culture, language and appearance, they mock it, because they lack self-esteem, confidence and security.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Innovation Report for Bajaj Essays
Innovation Report for Bajaj Essays Innovation Report for Bajaj Essay Innovation Report for Bajaj Essay 1. A critical review of its overall business strategy. (15%) Introduction of the company The group was founded in 1926, from the height of the British independent movement in India has a glorious history. Bajaj Group is one of the top 10 commercial establishments in India. Its footprint across a wide range of industry sectors, including automobiles (two-wheelers and three-wheelers). The Groups flagship company, Bajaj Auto, is listed as the worlds fourth largest two-and three-wheeled motorcycle manufacturer Bajaj brand is well-known in several countries of Latin America, Africa, Middle East, South Asia and Southeast Asia. ttp://www. bajajauto. com/bajaj_corporate. asp * Company profile, (vision ,mission, brief history) Vision and Mission Statement Bajaj line of, vision and mission statement they defined its brand essence and brand value. The corporate brand is the visual expression of their own thoughts and actions convey their intent to continue to inspire con fidence. The essence of their brand, the brand is the soul of the enterprise. They are doing their own brand value, its value learning, innovation, perfection, speed and transparency. Value Learning Learning is to how Bajaj ensure positive. This is a value; it contains a knowledge platform for building a moderately prosperous notice, reasonable and decisive action. Innovation Innovation is how Bajaj creating the future. This is a value, triggering significant beyond the pursuit of more than ordinary. Perfect Perfection Perfect is how Bajaj Jishu Li new standard. This is a value to show our determination, Excel, and efforts to establish a new benchmark, all the time. Speed Speed how Bajaj convey the clear conviction. This is a value; significant response reflects our commitment to our goals and process. Transparency Transparency is how Bajaj characteristics. It is a value worth through the credibility of integrity, trust sensitivity and loyalty through interdependence. http://corporatemissions. blogspot. sg/2007/10/bajaj-auto. html A Brief History Integrity, dedication, resourcefulness and determination to succeed, today is the characteristics of the group, often be traced back to its birth in those days the tireless dedication to a common cause. Jamnalal Bajaj, founder of the Group, is a close friend and disciple of Mahatma Gandhi. In fact, Gandhi had by him and his son. This close relationship, deeply involved in his independence movement did not leave Jamnalal Bajaj too much time is spent in his new commercial enterprise. In 1942, his son, Kamalnayan Bajaj, then 27, took over the business rule. He is too close to Gandhis independence in 1947, his business is able to give his full attention. Kamalnayan Bajaj not only consolidated the Group, but also extended to a variety of production activities. The Rahul Erbaguji, Chairman of the Group, is responsible for the business in 1965. Under his leadership, the turnover of the Bajaj Autos flagship company from INR. 72 million INR. 120 billion, its expanding product portfolio and brand to find a global market. He is one of Indias most distinguished business leaders, his business acumen and entrepreneurial spirit to be respected and internationally. * Company current business situation of the company. as per the above chart company financial position is mush stable and in a strong shoes of profitability. ompany is growing and developing back to back year by year. thats the reason behind it; it started recognizing as Indias top two wheeler company and even company started globalizing very fast, it started creating footprints all over the world. before these last three years company face few number of looses thats the reason because of international crises. one of the another reason for these good business is its most challenging innova tive products and its products demand in the market, today customers wait for the innovative product of the company. Current product/technology/process/patent that the company is having. Product- Currently Bajaj auto deals in both two wheelers and three wheelers vehicles. Technology Take a long time, use DTSI technology; Bajaj introduced the three Terry Poole SPRAK plug technology spark plug in the part-load conditions for better fuel efficiency, provide unprecedented performance and efficiency and best combustion, and to ensure low emissions. Process Technology, this new status symbol Change a new, vibrant Bajaj Auto Is in close contact with customers, and believe in Speed nd innovation, to create excitement Through its products, focus on transparency. It is an identity, is to inspire confidence. It represents a new India Company. Patent Patent is in the two-wheeler sector product quality, technology up-gradation, customer service, changing environment universityessays. com/exam ple-essays/english-language/the-bajaj-auto. php universityessays. com/example-essays/english-language/the-bajaj-auto. php#ixzz2Dn3XEfa3 * Current industry (what is happening that can affect the business. Bajaj Auto introduced a new graphics engine as promised Bajaj India has launched the new 2012 models pulsars in January 2012. It was named pulsar 200ns of. It is cooled by the liquid 200cc engine of 23. 17 horsepower at 8000 rpm at 9500rpm for a maximum torque of 18. 3 nm. However, it is expected that Bajaj pulsar line to rise. The face-lift is very necessary, because the pulsar was launched nearly a decade ago. Anyway, 200ns pulsar is a new product; new exhaust layout is now below 200 Duke Engine. The pulsar 200ns new styling and technology. It has a new design alloy wheels, instrument panel, fuel tank and the side of the spoon. http://autos. maxabout. com/bikes/bajaj/pulsar-2008/pulsar-200 2. Why is it necessary for them to employ innovation into the company (20%) (Application of theory from your lectures is required. ) Your analysis on innovation will focus on any of the following within the MNC(select min 2 theories) You are expected to link /incorporate theories into the focus areas that you write. You are required to identify what is the issue that drives them to innovation. Thus you need to write on drivers to innovation. * Materials technology DTSI technology DTS-Fi wireless network connection and DTS-SI engine technology mother is very fuel-efficient. Engine technology also helps to reduce emissions and keep the environment clean and green. Technical innovations include new products and processes, product and process technology changes. If it has been on the market an innovation (product innovation) has been implemented. For example: Bajaj Pulsar 200 NS bike next technological innovation known as pulsars, it is found these days in Mumbai. Reveal of technology innovation Bajaj car in the pulsar 2001 season and release pulsar in the last edition of the 2009 season. The organization also proposed that all release occurred in the pulsar motorcycle. The pulsar 200 NS is a 4-valve pressure stage of technological innovation curiosity multiple technical innovation, providing better gas range and efficiency of the results. NS bare game. DTSI technology- Patented technologies pulsar follow road, the R D lab bike competition. In the Automotive industry, driven technology innovation in different parts of the vehicle, and this trend will continue to be observed in all the major areas such as chassis, powertrain, electronics and security, among others. Such technical developments will occur not just in these areas, the arrival of new modular assembly techniques will transform the court systems and methods together. anticiv. info/tag/technological-innovation/ http://stats. oecd. org/glossary/detail. asp? ID=2688 efytimes. com/e1/fullnews. asp? edid=16466 * Factory process control Process innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved production or delivery method (including significant changes in technology, equipment and / or software) small changes or improvements to increase the capacity of production or service through increased production or logistics systemis very similar to those already in use, stop using it not be seen as a process, simple capital replacement or extension, change purely from changes in the prices of the factors of production, customization, regular seasonal and cyclical nature of the change, the new trading or significantly improved product innovation. innoviscop. com/en/definitions/process-innovation For example: Bajaj Auto Total Productive Maintenance as a means to create a safe and participative work environment, the goal is to eliminate the loss of all employees, to continue to enhance the capacity, flexibility, reliability and ability to process, resulting higher staff morale to improve the profitability o f the organization. The re-design of the processes, manufacturing approach was changed towards Lean Manufacturing (in lines of Toyota Production System). Moving Towards lean production Changes in the results and focus * Retain professional and critical process of internal and outsource the rest. * Multi-model assembly line and off-line settings. * Flexible machining centers quick-change modules and tools. * One-way flow of plant layout. Lean production plants in the chakan plant * Process quality assurance (testing). * Quality Assurance SPC error proofing. * Rationalization of suppliers to consolidate in the first-tier suppliers. * Direct line supply on the basis of pull systems (kanban). * Non-store materials and products promising. Multi-skilled labor, self-monitoring and self-certification. TPM (Total Productivity Management), a Japanese methodology a SPC (Statistical process Control), manufacturing operation. scribd. com/doc/22572622/Bajaj-Auto * MarketingDesign A closer loo k shows that about 40% of the R D expenditures original equipment manufacturers and suppliers of all investments into innovation, never let the bike or never produced in sufficient quantities, due to the lack of market acceptance. Remaining 60% to 20% of necessary serial development. Another 20% is to fulfill the law of innovation, but does not add to the unique nature of the product. Under normal circumstances, these innovations do not pay off. This makes 20% of the profitable innovation investment, leaving only a small. More and more technology intense fighting in the sweet spot. Moment only about 10% of the development of automotive technology has the potential to become a blockbuster innovation. These technologies combine the two most relevant categories: the first category, the market potential is huge, including the purpose of the function, customer recognition, compliance and price level. Other classes, the high degree of innovation, the establishment of the technical differences in the market, better protection of intellectual property rights, high profits and long-term harvest. oliverwyman. com/pdf_files/CarInnovation2015_engl. pdf oliverwyman. com/pdf_files/CarInnovation2015_engl. pdf 3. What are the challenges when deployment of this innovation? (20%) Define the type of innovation use and how have they been deployed. Product innovation and challenges Write on the challenges encountered by the company when they introduced innovation. How are they overcome. What is the success todate? Compare with the previous before innovation. Support with evidence. Occupy wheeler market in India three years later, at the end of 1999, BAL consumer preferences change from the four-stroke motorcycles, motorcycle engines and forecast that this trend will continue in a higher scale. Motorcycle Sales in 2001 decreased by 41%, which is a real threat to the existence of BAL. A new set of emission standards (equivalent to Euro II emission standards) into force in 2000 two-stroke gasoline engine. Therefore, the scooters out of favor with the two-stroke engine. Applying the modified model proposed above, Bajaj Auto was losing market share due to change in consumer preferences, development of new market segments, and the availability of better products and scooters manufactured by their competitors. In the first step, the President of company Rahul Bajaj which is a change agent also identified the need for change suggested by Kurt Lewin, the current situation of making AIR hired conscious problems, a performance gap and the need for change. At the same time, he was commissioned and provided new leadership roles to the younger generation such as Rajiv Bajaj (Managing Director). In an attempt to regain market share, the company increased its production by 67. 6% in 2001 as a production motorcycle GEARED scooters fell by 44%. By 2001, the company was making as many as motorcycle gear Couple of Challenges Bajaj auto faces in between the ongoing process of innovation like lake of finance, public demand etc. The biggest challenge Bajaj auto faces is to introduce new face product in the market for which Bajaj auto is not recognized in the market, problem was hesitating will customer like the innovation or not. The second thing making barriers in doing innovation is searching for knowledge employees. Bajaj find very difficult in searching for well skilled labor and even in molding the resident employees in the changing and innovating procedure in introducing new product. Because the stage was very crucialfor company when they started applying innovation even competitors was very aggregative in doing the same so company was left with no other option then creating successful innovation. Played an important role in the success of this phase of the leadership qualities change agent change. Change agent in the chair, the current market environment analysis and to identify the importance of change, in order to maintain market share and bring success on the road to pull Hu Erbaguji, who is our mission. He figured out in different areas, such as the implementation of paragraph cruise segment, the high-end market, the best, etc. He also introduced into the company of young people, to give them more power to create customer surveys and general production requirements the idea is very important in a highly competitive market. Time and again, the 500 R and huge after the siege. Bajaj Auto Limiteds portfolio, this change, these changes in a very short time after launched a new version of the motorcycle in every aspect, as part of the implementation of the Boxer and character, the destroyer cruise segment push, the Avengers and found in the high-end market, the motorcycle industry in India, which is a huge success. This shift public by Bajaj scooter motorcycle thinking stereotype, especially the new generation, who are looking for more performance and stylish bike caused a huge impact. The turning point in this process of change is the introduction of the product, Knock and DTSI technology, to help them capture their names under the two-wheeler market, and victory over their rivals Hero Honda. In June 2006, the company announced its plans to increase the production capacity from 3. 5 million units in 2009 to 5. 1 million units a year, of which two-wheelers is 4. 6 million units of capacity. According to their plan, they recently launched 220cc variant of its popular pulsar motorcycle. 004 Bajaj Auto to change their old identity and create a new logo and brand line, in order to update its new brand identity. This proved something of a visual help to clarify the organization needs to move in the direction (Cote, 2007). These visions and their achievements, the stability of the organization in a new state of equilibrium. ukessays. com/essays/india/bajaj-auto-limited. php 4. Evaluate Business Success (40%) Compare the before implementation ( market share/position/rev enue/process/structure/strategies etc) to todayââ¬â¢s outcome. Contrast them in terms of your writing ( theories you apply). Product innovation DTSi technology DTS-I A patented technology, achieved the pulsar follow road, the R D lab bike competition. In the heart of each pulsar is one of the countrys most advanced engine technology. DTS-i system. A technological marvel to ensure the highest performance, lowest consumption and emission levels possible. We will be happy to let a Pulsar maniac like you to know this breakthrough technology behind the secret of the pulsar. DTS-i engine Dual-spark ignition Normal ignition system has a single spark plug. Spark-generated flame front will take some time to reach the entire combustion chamber. Therefore, the combustion of the air fuel mixture is slow and incomplete. The case of two spark plugs, both spark plugs fire simultaneously. This simultaneous firing and eddy current, in the complete combustion of the air fuel mixture results. This action is the DTS-i digital control system (dual spark plug Smart CDI, TRICS III) Interests -Complete combustion of the air fuel mixture without sacrificing mileage output case, gives the maximum power. To ensure that the emissions of environmentally friendly DTS-i engine TRICS III Power and torque requirements constantly change, depending on the rider cruising, acceleration or high speed / maximum speed. The throttle response ignition control system III is an intelligent system that can quickly adapt to the ignition time, in order to adapt to different riding characteristics. Interests: TRICS III will help to achieve a good balance between the low-to mid-range torque and top-end power. This helps to easily ride in different conditions, such as flyovers, hilly terrain, dense traffic and highway cruising The TRICS III patent Bajaj Motors Limited DTS-i engine Intelligent C. D. I. Intelligent capacitor discharge ignition contains a microprocessor, which continuously sensing a different speed and the engine load, and by changing the ignition timing in response. The memory of the microprocessor together work with TRICSIII system, provide optimum ignition timing for any given engine speed, thereby obtaining the best combustion performance. Interests: Improve fuel efficiency and reduce engine noise and vibration, smoother power delivery. Bajaj Autos patent Smart CDI DTS-i engine EXHAUSTEC Exhaust is a device that is registered in the exhaust system. TEC representative of torque expansion chamber. It is fitted into a tuning box (resonators) of the exhaust manifold The low speed area, ExhaustTEC helps to create a negative pressure pulse (vacuum) of the exhaust valve to suck the air fuel mixture into the more the intake valve opening the cylinder. Interests: ExhaustTEC produce high torque. Does not require frequent shifting of flow, as the vehicle, even in the lower speed higher gear pull capability. ExhaustTEC patented by Bajaj Auto Ltd. 4 VALVES The combustion chamber has 1/3 of the area covered by the valve head of a typical 2-valve engine, but an increase of more than 50% 4-valve head region. Also improved due to the flow passage area of the intake port and an exhaust valve port / channel. This is conducive to the induction of more the amount of charge (air fuel mixture), and all the combustion gas of the combustion chamber is evacuated to ensure faster, cleaner and more efficient combustion. This engine has two intake and 2 1, 2-valve engine into a gas and the exhaust valve of the exhaust valve. These valves are small compared to the 2-valve engine, light weight. 4 valves (two intake and two exhaust valves), to improve the breathing method the engines intake and exhaust processâ⬠¦ PULSAR CLASSIC 2000 2001 October 2001 The nineties witnessed and generation was born. Work hard and party hard, Western and Indian values. The calm young Indians, masculine, stylish, well-deserved different. But they get a 100cc commuter bike. Changedforever in 2001. The first generation of pulsar is a huge success. It is not only the introduction of a new motorcycle, but also to create a new dimension performance. When the family to discuss mileage, pulsar riders start talking about torque, rebound power weight ratio. With pulsars, the bike no longer just a means of transport, rather than the person with the machine between the relationships began to be forged. Pulsar launch two variants, 150 ml and 180 ml, is indeed the manâ⬠PULSAR UG1 2002 2003 October 2003 Since the time of its launch pulsar ruled the heart of this country has been the rule of the road, and its first upgrade. Sold more than three times higher than competitive cycling, the pulsar is a rapidly bad boy on the block. Revolutionary DTS-i technology, introduced in the the excessive competition pulsar bike, it still has a clear competitive advantage. DTS-Is advertising campaign, along with the launch of this generation pulsar also redefined the Indian motorcycle ad This is the first bike ads show one wheel off the ground bike irreverent image pulsar was born. Increase power to 16 and 13 PS 180 and 150, respectively. PULSAR UG2 2004 2005 November 2004 Each pulsar upgrade two aspects styling and technology. Significant change at the same time, each time re-defined section. The game continuously toes try to keep at least just to keep behind the pulsar pulsarpulsar madman ahead. The UG2 many technology upgrades, launched during this period until the date of the pulsar, and a standard in the industry 17 alloy wheels, allowing greater suspension travel, nitrogen oxide suspension and the legendary ExhausTEC. In shape on the wider rear tire, tire environmentalists and all black cast Pulsar180. Improve the power of the 180 and 150, respectively, in 16. 5 and 13. 5 PS PULSAR UG3 2006 October 2006 Pulsar road in 2006, crossed the one million mark, many pulsar madman. Pulsar is no longer just a bike, which is a youth brand, and market leader in the field of sports, with a 50% market share, and that is to keep to the date. Our leadership, through hard work and toil Bajaj Auto Team UG3 number of the largest total upgrade, ushered in the digital age. This is the first time, digital odometer, backlight switch, self-cancel indicators, and LED taillights introduced. Multiple sensors and digital mixer bike riders overall performance, a lot of information, and promote additional power, to pulsars thrown confidence. The increased power of 14 PS 150 PULSAR200 DTS-I PULSAR220 DTS-FI 2007 2008 February 2007 Indias first bike to break 200 ml obstacles on the road Pulsar 200 and 220. Change and Pulsar bike in India once again lead this revolution. Although 200CC is equipped with a carburettor, 220cc fuel injected! These babies might throw downs power of 18 and 20 ps, and blatantly oil cooler. 220 also have front and rear disc brake. PULSAR UG4 2009 May 2009 On Road 2,000,000 pulsar delivered in three years, more than 3 million of the total number of pulsars India. This time to the sports field is also extended to the more than 15 brands from all the major manufacturers, such as Honda, Yamaha, Hero Honda, TVS. The segment accounted for about 17% of the total motorcycle sales, pulsar, its 50% market share, it still maintained a half contribution. 150 the clip-handle and 15Ps of power in February 2010. January 2010 Looking for the legendary 200 customers and the general public needs Pulsar220 also launched a deep-rooted in the minds of a Street Fighter avatar. The fastest growing segment in the motorcycle industry, 50% of the market share, more than 4 million of the pulsar is sold. Exports to over 30 countries, the pulsar is by far the biggest brands in the Indian motorcycle and eyes hegemony in the world soon. ttp://mypulsar. com/technology. aspx http://mypulsar. com/history. aspx Process Innovation Model in the late 1990s, the early 2000s will lean production * economic situation, development through liberalization * Fierce competition. * Improve the customers wishes More models and upgrades. Third level * 110% of the to do the project in the late 1990s, Bajaj Auto Lean Manufacturing at Chakan Plant * Re-design process, manufacturing methods, and change to * lean production (Toyota Production System) line. * TPM (Total Productive Management), Japans methods and SPC (statistical process control) manufacturing operations. Moving towards Lean Manufacturing * The result of the change and focus * Retention of professional and critical process of internal and outsource the rest. * Set more model assembly line and off line. * Flexible machining centres quick-change modules and tools. * The plant layout * The single one-way flow. Lean Manufacturing at Chakan Plant * The process of quality assurance (testing). * By SPC error proofing quality assurance. * Rationalization of suppliers to consolidate in a supplier. * Directly online supply based on pull systems (kanban). Of shops promising material and products. * Multi-skilledlabor force, self-monitoring and self-certification. Towards lean manufacturing a huge change * This is a huge change. * Bajaj car driving through t he railways new factory. * (About 20 km away from Pune plant) * A small number of major suppliers of railway factory. * Improve our near these plants, which gives a good advantage. Lean Manufacturing at Chakan Plant * The project 110% was supported by Project 110% IT. * Bajaj Auto implemented SAP ERP. * Towards lean manufacturing IT support * supply chain processes MRP planning schedule * Schedule SAP portal vendors visibility. * that is based on daily necessities supply lines consumption. * The introduction of the E-Kanban. * supplies sequencing the paint shop, assembly line production schedule synchronization. * JIT supply (our request) the major suppliers * Components and sub-assemblies in accordance with JIT requirements * Supply, in 2-4 hoursââ¬â¢ time interval. Towards Lean Manufacturing Electronic Kanban * material supply and service revenue * Create on the the electronic billboards line the consumption in the system. Suppliers establish open E-Kanban quantity invoice. * verify invoice after upload to our SAP system * The use of Internet-based EDI. * Unique ASN (advanced shipping notice), each power supply. * EDI numbers is what we call * Then printed on the invoice number of bar code EDI. * Forwarded by scanning EDI No. materials in plants * The creation of genetic resources without the need for manual data entry. Towards lean manufacturing * Hair this lean supply process results. * productivity per employee Vehicles increase10 ten * Component inventory reducing the stock of the week and a half shift. finished goods inventory to reduce the stock of one to three days * Quality improvements Improved 20000 PPM 2000 PPM. * Truck turnaround time reduced four hours to half an hour. * The thethe Material United Nations load rate / class size increased to 150-350 load. * Improved the accuracy of the invoice data faster payment processing. * deployment portal vendors * Evaluation of the quality of power supply and PPM data visibility. * Invoice wise refused payment. * supplier of quality tracking supplier responsibility 5. Conclusion / Reflection (5%) Conclusion ââ¬â should innovation be only once? Write and reflect your opinion. Studies have confirmed that all businesses are more innovative. The survey found that nearly 90% of companies believe that innovation is their priority. Concluded that the increasing importance of innovation, and increased significantly. In todays economic circumstances, innovation has become an important factor in the impact of strategic planning. It has been recognized, innovation and the creation of wealth. , Even if efficiency is crucial to the success of the enterprise, in the long run, it cannot sustain business growth. Today, more than ever, we need to innovate. Every organization and business is feeling the impact of globalization, migration, technological and knowledge revolutions, andà climate changeà issuesInnovation will bring added value and to expand the employment base. Innovation is necessary in these difficult circumstances, improved quality of life. Innovation will make the world a better younger generation. paggu. com/getting-into-roots/what-is-innovation-why-innovation-is-important/ Proper citation is required. Assignment in report format. Words = 4,000.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Management in Context (MIC) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Management in Context (MIC) - Essay Example These reforms originated in urbanized developed economies, whose supporting leaders were under force to keep downward levels of community duty and expenditure, while maintaining elevated stages of welfare and other community services (Manning 1996). A noteworthy feature of the reforms was the conviction that the state had develop into too great and over-committed, and that the marketplace offered better mechanisms for attain the efficient provide of possessions and services (World Bank, 1996, 1997). The public management meadow is in the middle of a theoretical and experiential upheaval concerning the position played by networks in the release of public services. The increase of civic/private cooperation in the civic sphere has throw doubt on the image of the modern bureaucracy as a hierarchical arrangement of incompetence. I continue the procedure of examining management belongings through civic/private networks by discovers the frequently discussed but uncommonly tested plan of time within a system. Much of the management journalism treats networking as a one-shot occurrence, ignoring "executive experience" differences crossways organizations, but this learn treats the relationships shaped over time as a dangerous element of system management achievement (Hasenfeld, Y., and Steinmetz, D. 1981, 83-101). What Are The Main Characteristics Of Bureaucratic Management The traditional representation of community administration is based on the bureaucracy conjecture. It is characterized as "an administration under the official control of the supporting leadership, based on a severely hierarchical replica of bureaucracy, staffed by enduring, neutral and nameless officials, motivated only by the community interest, portion any governing gathering equally, and not causal to policy but simply administrating those strategies decided by the politicians." The conventional model of administration was a development compared to the previous one, which was regarded as the substitute of personal administration with an unfriendly organization based on rules. Indeed these were middle concerns of academics such as Aristotle in ancient Greece, Confucius in antique China, and Machiavelli in medieval Italy. But the beginning of the campaigner, bureaucratic state, in spite of its earlier parallels, is in put into practice an fundamentally twentieth century occurrence. The characteristics of this bureaucratic state were set out the majority obviously by the German sociologist Max Weber in 1920, with physically powerful echoes of previous writings by the American Woodrow Wilson (Hughes, 1998): 1. There be supposed to be a clear division among politics and administration, and consequently distinct roles for political selected (normally elected) and condition officials (normally selected). 2. Administration should be unremitting and conventional, operating on the foundation of printed, unambiguous system 3. Administrators should be enlisted on the basis of qualifications, and be supposed to be skilled professionals 4. Organization should reproduce a functional separation of employment, and a hierarchical agreement of tasks and
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
CCDC Organization Chart for HR Leaders Research Paper
CCDC Organization Chart for HR Leaders - Research Paper Example Completing a merger and financially sound, this construction company is located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and looks to the future to gain further competitive advantage with itsââ¬â¢ human resource strategies. b. Key HR Objectives for Year Five i. Establish an HR Framework (See Appendix A) ii. Establish HR Measures aligned with Customer metrics iii. HR Strategic Objectives to work toward - Five priorities in Year Five (Five in Five): 1. Develop a culture that reflects CCDC Today and in the Future 2. Develop a succession planning process and implement process 3. Establish proper HR staffing levels and HR Staff as Strategic Business Partners 4. Identify key HR functions/objectives in relationship to Framework Stages 1 ââ¬â 4 to allow maximum HR goal setting and achievement. 5. Develop and Implement a Performance Management System. 2. Introduction a. The purpose of this report is to present a brief summary of the case study for CCDC based on the company profile and circums tances and a recommendation for human resource (HR) strategy. The creation of the company, CCDC, is a result of two smaller construction companies merging in 2007. The services provided are project management and civil engineering, full design and construction services, and construction services for public and private clients. ...ategic business objectives involve reducing the levels in the chain of command; implementing a coaching method of management rather than autocratic; maintain financial success; and ensure high quality services, meet the health and safety needs of staff, meet environmental standards, and improvements made in networks and purchasing agreements. c. While there has been an emphasis on HR policies and initiatives to support these objectives, there is also a question as to whether HR practices add value and how the effects of HR on the organizational culture may be evaluated. 3. Problems and Issues a. First, Cabrera and Cabrera (2003) and Rose and Kumar (2006) wo uld note the lack of a human resource strategic framework. CCDC lacks an overall HR strategic framework that HR objectives, programs, training, and policies can fall within or under. The framework could then be used by the leaders when they are conducting their strategic planning to avoid placing the leaders in the position to do the business planning, then step out of the planning and pass the business objectives to HR to do the work from a support standpoint ââ¬â resulting in a disconnect (Porter, 1996). Both HR and the business need to be operating as one. There are resulting comments regarding HR functioning in a support role, which is counter to business needs. b. Second, once the framework is in place, CCDC needs the development of human resource strategic objectives and tactics that are an extension of the framework and the operational strategies as found in the literature rather than a reaction to operational requests.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Discuss Internet as a tool to International marketing research Essay
Discuss Internet as a tool to International marketing research - Essay Example This type of research must always have some form of data collection, whether it be secondary research or primary research, which is collected direct from a respondent. There are two types of research: quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative research involves numbers. An example, a fast food chain might ask customers to rate the service as excellent, good, poor or very poor. Qualitative research tries to understand how or why things are the way they are. The research involves more face-to-face contact. An example, a research might ask a consumers why they have decided to buy a certain type of soft drink. The Internet has changed how marketing research has changed internationally. Why, percentage wise, half the homes in the United States have computers. This movement came about for four reasons: the prices of personal computers are decreasing, current home connections, slow, but are now becoming more rapid, companies are spending large amounts of money on small internet- only computers, and the introduction of web television. All these factors have, and will continue to increase the number of people with access to the internet. What will also increase is the potential to gather information from consumers, access secondary data sources, advertise and sell products. This is a great advantage to businesses, and not just big businesses. Another advantage of the internet is that it puts all businesses-small and large- on a level playing field, in terms of marketing to potential customers through the internet. Marketing to customers over the internet requires research which is why market researchers are so important to the process. What are the international implications of internet marketing research International marketing research projects have been extremely complex to control and although researchers can communicate with market participants around the globe doing research on the internet can be expensive. To do effective international research, the researcher must consider two aspects particular to this kind of marketing research translation and culture.First aspect It is important that in different countries experts translate multilingual research because a textbook understanding of a language does not properly capture the required nuances. Also, countries differ in how they may use one particular word. Second aspect It is important that multicultural research requires a careful review as to the cultural tastes, preferences and taboos in each participating country. For example, in the United States and Europe opinion polls about state dignitaries are commonplace and newspapers, and magazines frequently print them. Yet, it is highly unlikely that an opinion poll about the royal family of Thailand would ever be conducted there, or published. Advantages The advantages of the internet and market research is that databases with incomplete addresses, lost international mail, time delays from mailing, and expensive time traveling have all been reduced considerably. Advertising According to a survey conducted by Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, there is a more mainstream audience present on the internet. That means a great deal to the business community. Advantages for advertising on the internet. First, businesses can reach their targeted audiences better. Websites request personal information about the
Friday, November 15, 2019
Geographic Profiling of Serial Offenders
Geographic Profiling of Serial Offenders As psychological profiling seems to garner all the attention with television shows that feature FBI profilers, one should be reminded that there is another method of criminal profiling that, while less glamorous, seems to provide a very high degree of reliability. The ââ¬Ëotherââ¬â¢ method is geographic profiling that had it beginnings in a London crime spree involving a serial rapist. In these cases occurring in the mid-1990ââ¬â¢s, stumped police called in David Canter, Professor of Psychology at the University of Surrey to assist. After analyzing crime data superimposed over a map, Professor Canter made the suggestion that the perpetrator was to be found in a very specific geographic area based upon these furloughs of crime (Wilson 2002, pp. 14-16). Subsequent retroactive studies have confirmed a number of precepts regarding the proposition that one can predict the ââ¬Å"baseâ⬠of criminals from computerized algorithms that use generally one of two validated heuristic methods. In fact, of the area defined by a ââ¬Å"searchâ⬠algorithm that states that is inclusive of a circle defined by the two furthermost crime scenes, fully 51% of the serial rapist offenders lived within the first 5% of the defined area and an overwhelming lived within 87% of the first 25% of the defined search area (Canter, Coffey, Huntley, Missen 2000, p. 457). This algorithm holds regardless of the crime as indicated by the table below (Canter, et al 2000, p. 458): In addition to the ââ¬Å"circleâ⬠algorithm described above, another method utilized is the ââ¬Å"Decayâ⬠method with analyzes data from the assumption that perpetrators commit crimes near where they live. This method is based upon the idea that crimes ââ¬Ëdecayââ¬â¢ as the distance to the criminalââ¬â¢s residence decrease, in effect, creating something of a ââ¬Ëbuffer zoneââ¬â¢ immediately surrounding their house (Snook, Taylor, Bennell 2004, p. 107; Canter, Coffey, Huntley, Missen 2000, pp. 459-460). Somewhat against these two algorithms are the approximately 10% of perpetrators that are labeled as ââ¬Å"commutersâ⬠and do not live near the crime scene (Snook, Taylor, Bennell 2004, p. 117). Nevertheless, in these cases as in the easier to classify ââ¬Å"marauderâ⬠-type crimes, there is the idea that criminals operate from a base of familiarity such as a home or workplace or other personally significant locale or the route that connects them. While focusing on geography, this brings into the consideration the important psychological construct of ââ¬Å"mental mapsâ⬠in that the location must have significance from the perspective of the perpetratorâ⬠¦ it need not be an actual geographic landmark to have psychological significance that plays out geo-centrically (Holmes Holmes 1996, p. 152). As such it is no surprise that both methods are reliable and that there is a significant degree of overlap in the two model predictions. Of greater interests to both researchers and law enforcement are ââ¬Å"seriousâ⬠crimes such as murder, rape, arson and burglary. While there is likely a logical high correlation between other ââ¬Ëpettyââ¬â¢ crimes such as speeding tickets or parking violations due to the correlates of where one most spends time is of course most likely a location where there is a high likelihood of violation. With regards to the applicability of the model with regards to even serious crimes, the model is based upon serial crimes, that is, a perpetrator who does so multiple times. Research suggests that as criminals gain ââ¬Å"experienceâ⬠there is a statistically significant correlation with the distance from home the criminal is (Snook 2004, p. 53). Further, in regards to burglary, there is the additional significant correlation of the value of the crime with the distance traveled to commit the crime (Snook 2004, p. 55). While difficult to put a value on personal crimes, this find ing may extend to crimes such as murder, arson or rape in which it is conceivable that victims could have some relative value to the criminal, similar to the monetary value gained from burglary. Such a concept may partially explain that, as these types of criminal gain experience, they tend to venture out further from their base as they commit additional predatory crimes. In terms of geographical profiling and the case in which an investigator believes that a number of crimes have been committed by a single person, this has special significance as it can serve to focus the hunt for the offender in the vicinity of the first few crimes (Holmes Holmes 1996, p. 155). Of particular interest is that these methods can be utilized without the computer or complex mathematical algorithms. Studies indicated that, in lieu of years or experience or ââ¬Ëgut feelingsââ¬â¢, incorporating these methods simply as heuristic models whose basic precepts can be taught in a class, students can nearly equal the computerized version (Snook, Canter, Bennel 2002, pp. 116-117). Though all law enforcement operates with the goal of catching the perpetrator, authorities do not have unlimited resources of time or finances to investigate all leads thoroughly. Geographical profiling also serves to focus the attention and other resources of an investigative department into the area in which validated statistics indicate there is is a pay-off. By using these methods, search costs can be minimized and offender can be apprehended faster, ideally prior to the accumulation of an additional victim that shows up as a simply data point on a geographic profile (Canter, Coffey, Huntley, Missen 2000, pp. 459-460). Works Consulted Canter, D., T. Coffey, M. Huntley, C. Missen. (2000). ââ¬Å"Predicting Serial Killersââ¬â¢ Home Base Using a Decision Support Systemâ⬠. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, (16), 4, pp. 457-478. Holmes, R. S. Holmes. (1996). Profiling Violent Crimes: An Investigative Tool, 2nd Edition. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, California. Snook, B., P. Taylor, C. Bennell. (2004). ââ¬Å"Geographic Profiling: The Fast, Frugal and Accurate Wayâ⬠. Applied Cognitive Psychology, (18), pp. 105-121. Snook, B., D. Canter, C. Bennel. (2002). Predicting the Home Location of Serial Offenders: A Preliminary Comparison of the Accuracy of Human Judges with a Geographic Profiling Systemâ⬠. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, (20), pp. 109-118. Snook, B. (2004). ââ¬Å"Individual Differences in Distance Traveled by Serial Burglarsâ⬠. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, (1), pp. 53-66. Wilson, J. (2002, November). ââ¬Å"Mapping Murderâ⬠. Geographical, (74), pp. 14-17.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Taming of the Shrew Essays -- English Literature Essays
The Taming of the Shrew Examine the different ways in which Shakespeare presents the attitude towards marriage in the play, ââ¬ËThe Taming of the Shrew.ââ¬â¢ The Taming of the Shrew is one of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s earliest comedies, and it shares many essential characteristics with his other romantic comedies, such as Much Ado About Nothing and A Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s Dream. These characteristics include light-hearted and slapstick humour, disguises and deception and a happy ending in which most of the characters come out satisfied. The play has been dated from as early as 1594 and as late as 1598. ( The main themes in the play are love, marriage, domination, society expectations, betting and money. Does love really exist in the play or is it just love for money. It seems that the key to a happy and successful marriage is money. This comedy written by Shakespeare uses disguises and that also is a key part to the play. Although it is intended to be a comedy, there is sometimes a black cloud hanging over it. For instance the way in which Katherina is treated doesnââ¬â¢t always seem to be funny; instead it is quite cruel and degrading. ââ¬Å"She eat no meat today, nor none shall eat; last night she slept not, nor tonight she shall not.â⬠(Page 62, act 4 scene 1 line 182-183) Men saw marriage as a way to get rich; love didnââ¬â¢t even enter the equation. Padua is a rich area and therefore many suitors fled there in the hope of becoming wealthy. ââ¬Å"I come to wive it wealthily in Padua,â⬠says Petruchio. He asks outright, ââ¬Å"Then tell me ââ¬â if I get your daughterââ¬â¢s love, what dowry shall I have with her to wife?â⬠(Page 37, act 2 scene 1, line 119-120) The husbands were given a dowry by the father of the daughter when they became married. Women didnââ¬â¢t have any say in who they chose to marry; instead the decision was given to the father. If a daughter was not married then they were looked shoddily upon within the society. In this era every woman was to be married otherwise they were frowned upon within the community. Further more without Katherina getting married, Bianca would also never marry. Within a family the eldest daughter must be married off first and in this play turned out to be a bonus. ââ¬Å"Her father ke eps from all access of suitors and will not promise her to any man until her elder sister first be wed.â⬠This is the main an... .... She now obeys what is asked of her by Petruchio like such as when she is told to lecture the other wives about how to be a good wife, ââ¬Å"Katherina, I charge thee, tell these headstrong women, what duty they do owe their lords and husbands.â⬠Without arguing and saying a word against what is asked of her she gives her advice, ââ¬Å"Thy husband is thy lord, thy life, thy keeper, thy head, thy sovereign, one that cares for thee.â⬠Women in the Elizabethan era were presented as very obedient to their husbands and respectful to them also. They had no power and no say, they were treated badly and nothing would be done to stop the behaviour. In modern society most women have as much say as the men, they are not expected to stay at home and clean etc, and instead they go to work as well. Some women are like Katherina before she was supposedly tamed, very out spoken, yet inequality still exists. During the Elizabethan era marriage was like a business contract, if the money is there then so is the signature. Love was never a part of the play and this showed in both Hortensio and Petruchio, who Shakespeare uses to expose this superficial approach to the supposedly romantic notion of marriage.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Computers in Medical Field Essay
A computer has become an essential commodity in every hospital. Everything is computerized today, from open heart surgeries to X-rays to various clinical tests. Everything is carried out efficiently and effectively by the computer. There are many advantages of computers that make it a must have by every medical professional. This article tells you about the use of computers in the medicine that would help you understand the wide array of computer applications used across the medicinal practice. Computers in the Medical Office There are various uses of computer in medical field as it plays a vital role in every medical office. It contributes a lot to the hospital administration where all the administrative processes are computerized. For example, staff records, recording incoming and outgoing time of the staff, the holiday records of the staff, etc. It is difficult to keep track of such things manually but with the help of computers, the task is simplified and is less time-consuming. In most of the offices, accounting is also computerized that helps you keep the daily record of the financial transactions of the office. It also reduces the chances of money related frauds as all the data is stored properly that can be used for future reference. Computer also helps in recording the names and contact details of the doctors and associated people. It is useful when it comes to recording the medical history of the patient, such as, previous treatments, tests, diagnosis, and symptoms, etc. Such information comes handy for the doctor in case of emergencies and when a new treatment is to be designed. The patients can also avail to computer counseling with the help of computers. Today, the bills are computer generated and hence, the chances of miscalculation are less. Apart from this, to avail the online transaction facilities computer is essential. Use of Computers in Medicine Use of computers is also associated with the research and inventions in health sector. Various research studies are carried out with the help of various applications in the computer. For example, studying certain cells, micro organisms, bacteria, etc., is easily possible with computer. It helps you save all the related information that you can refer to, whenever required. One can also create electronic presentations of certain diseases or treatments that are useful to understand by the junior or trainee doctors so that they can prepare themselves for small and uncomplicated operations by taking guidance from senior doctors via web conferencing. In seminars and paper presentations on the health related topics, computerized presentations create more impact on the audience. It also helps the audience understand the issues well. With the help of computer networking, doctors across the world can communicate with each other about new inventions and unique health conditions, etc. All the countries are conducting research studies and this information can be mutually shared by the medical fraternity with the help of computers and internet technology. The computer makes the world smaller and brings people together. Uses of Computers in Hospitals Computers are widely used in all the hospitals for numerous purposes apart from administration, accounting, billing, and appointments. It literally helps doctors in performing various surgeries, especially laparoscopic surgeries are possible because of computers where doctors insert the medical tools and small camera and conduct an operation with the help of computers and monitors. Many high tech surgical machines and instruments are endowed with small computer systems so that every surgical process is recorded and monitored to avoid complications. Many clinical imaging processes are conducted and examined with the help of computers, such as X-ray and CT scan, etc. Computers also play a vital role in conducting various clinical and biological laboratory tests in hospitals that help in correct diagnosis of the disease. Many critical patients, whose heart rate, pulse rate, and brain readings, etc., need be recorded and monitored continuously, are observed through computers. Its virtually impossible for humans to note down every movement of the internal organs of the patients but computers do it with ease. Importance of computers in medicine has grown so much that many patients who need to be provided with life support system are also governed by the special computerized system only. Such is the impact of computers on a medical practice.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Critical Thinking Scenario Essays - Organ Trade, Medical Ethics
Critical Thinking Scenario Essays - Organ Trade, Medical Ethics Critical Thinking Scenario Ethics and Social Responsibility/ETH316 After reading the transcript from ABC News regarding the story Blood Money I realized that some people will see the story differently, some might find it offensive while others might not find it offensive. The ethical issue concerning this article is the illegal kidneys and other organ sales that are going on in China and the USA. These kidneys and other organs are coming from incarcerated men and women who have been found guilty of some sort of crime and are being executed and their organs are being removed and sold on the black market. Morally everyone is different and the persons involved in this article have no morals. The persons selling the organs might see it as that the prisoners are being put to death anyway so they might as well help someone out that needs the organ. They should have given the prisoner the opportunity to make their own decision as to whether or not they wanted their kidneys or organs removed and not just taken them because of the money they received. These people with direct interest in this illegal market have a lot of moral failings; the fact that you are doing this to make a profit and you see no wrong in what you are doing is failing. How many of these prisoners were put to death for minor crimes just to sell their body parts to the highest bidder. There is no respect for the lives of these prisoners. The ideal in this black market is to make money and not letting it be known what is really going on in China or the USA. Their obligations are to continue to convict and execute these people so that they never run out of body parts to sell. They are screening these prisoners to make sure they are healthy enough to sell their parts to the persons that need them. This whole operation was welled planned. The sellers are looking at as though they are saving someone else life. The best outcome in this given circumstances is that this black market selling is now know to all to view and make ethical judgments. This will make the ones think about what they will do when it comes time for making moral decision and well as the doctors and Chinese military who are involved. In conclusion, after seeing China being exposed to other countries with this black market selling of body parts maybe this will get China to be more moral when it comes to making decision about executing these prisoners for their organs for money. The selling of organs will never go away as long as people are willing to pay for them and only care about their selves. References Boylan, M. (2009). Basic ethics: Basic ethics in action (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. ABC Video on Demand University of Phoenix. (2006). Blood Money. Retrieved from ABC Video on Demand University of Phoenix, ETH/316 website. Critical Thinking Scenario PAGE 2 Running head: Critical Thinking Scenario PAGE 1
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Frankenstein loneliness essay Essays - Fiction, Creative Works
Frankenstein loneliness essay Essays - Fiction, Creative Works NAME: JACK MELVIN TEACHER: TP UNIT 3 / 4 ENGLISH DATE: 20/4/19 FRANKENSTEIN : It is the thirst for knowledge that leads Frankenstein, the creature and Walton astray. Discuss Mary Shelley's Frankenstein: The modern Prometheus is a gothic novel published in 1818. The novel incorporates the theme of knowledge throughout a range of key ideas and characters , Mary Shelley wrote the novel at a time where the world was experiencing industrialization in full effect, this - as well as increasing findings and discoveries by scientists - may have motivated her to include the ideas of knowledge, and ultimately dangerous knowledge that leads Frankenstein, the creature and Walton astray. The pursuit of knowledge leads to a range of consequences in Frankenstein, Shelley includes the thirst of knowledge and the repercussions of it by incorporating similar writers, through literary allusions including the poem Rime of the Ancient Mariner' telling the story of a man who challenges nature and suffers the consequences for doing so. Shelley's novel is a direct reflection on her opinion that the sudden rush of technological improvements brought on by the desir e to gain more knowledge would result in disaster. The full title of Mary Shelley's novel, Frankenstein: The modern Prometheus emphasises the idea that Victor reaching beyond what man should be capable of and is playing god. In Greek mythology, Prometheus created man , Prometheus loved his creation of man - unlike Victor's relationship with the monster - and steals fire from the gods in order to bless man with this gift. Prometheus challenged the gods and li mitations set by them and was punished for doing so, he was forced to endure the pain of having his liver eaten by an eagle every day, forever. This is similar to Frankenstein, in the pursuit for human advancement and knowledge, Victor challenges the capabilities of man by forming a creature out of dead parts, bringing the dead back to life - a feat that was thought to be unachievable by man and only by the supernatural. This decision to defy the abilities of mankind results in Victor being punished for the rest of his life as the creature murders those who mean mos t to Victor. Victor's pursuit of the monster and obsessive disgust for his creation ultimately leads him to his death. Victor recognises the consequences of acquiring excessive knowledge and becoming "greater than his nature will allow". His reckless choice to pursue the monster destroys himself, his family, and anyone he loves. Victor, once a knowledgeable scientist progresses to a man fu ll of hatred for his own creation, lead from his home town in Geneva to the North Pole , where he was met with death. Incorporating this transition allows the reader to recognise how Victor's thirst of knowledge led him astray. Shelley suggests that the quest for knowledge is often rationalised by the thought that one's actions will benefit humanity. This rationalisation of impromptu decisions poses as a facade for the obsession for greatness and recognition that comes with discovering new things . Something that Walton desired, recognition. Walton, a narcissistic captain of a ship that aim ed to achieve the further discovery of the Arctic regions of the world , delineates his adventure as "one man's life or death [being] a small price to pay for the acquirement of the knowledge which [he] sought". This shows his obsession for knowledge, that he is able to overlook the death of someone in pursuit for recognition. Victor knows that Walton's desire discovery is a dangerous commitment and warns Walton of his potential fate. Walton realises the possible consequences of his actions and decides to end his voyage. This shows that Walton has recognised the dangers of know ledge and took action as not to suffer the potential repercussions furthering his voyage. The monster also participates in a quest for knowledge, not in a scientific and exploration way like Victor and Walton but in a philosophical understanding of its own identity. After the bewildering first encounter with Frankenstein, the monster aims to assimilate itself into modern society only to realise it is different and unaccepted universally. As the monster grew in knowledge it came to think that the DeLacey
Monday, November 4, 2019
Problem Solving Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Problem Solving - Assignment Example As if to compound the matters, I started getting very simple tasks, which befit only the beginners and not people with fair bit of experience like me. As a matter of fact, my co-workers started to consider this as a form of unofficial demotion in my position, and all this was highly painful for me, to say the least. Here, I need to add that, my boss is a kind of person who seldom does directly highlight any errors or shortcomings of the employees. On the contrary, he expects them to be wise enough to identify the flaws, by themselves. And all the circumstances strongly suggested that, it was now my turn to run the extra mile in tracing both the error, and also the reason leading to it. At that juncture, it was of paramount relevance for me to be able to specifically pinpoint the exact issue that brought about these unpleasant circumstances. I began an intense mental exercise and consequently, I got aware of the exact date from which my bossââ¬â¢s approach towards me started to be indifferent. Immediately, I began a very careful and meticulous study of the two documents having the tasks completed by me, one pertaining to the above date and the other one to the previous day. A careful study ensured that there were no errors in the first document. But a similar mode of study of the second one made me realize that there was indeed a major error, the likes of which do not befit a professional of my experience. It was a rather major flaw, and in fact, I was surprised that my name is still not removed from the companyââ¬â¢s rolls! Then, it became my bound obligation to undo the damage caused by me, and that too as swiftly as possible, so that I could regain the pri or image of a committed worker. And it was here that I decided to adopt the strategy of means ââ¬â end analysis in minimizing the damage. ââ¬Å"The means ââ¬â end analysis is a pattern of tackling various problems, by
Friday, November 1, 2019
Organizational Behaviour Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Organizational Behaviour - Coursework Example This is because; it is the behaviour and attitudes of the human resources of an organization that directly affects its level of performance and reputation in the entire world. Thus, the impact of the behaviour and attitudes of the individual over the effectiveness of the organizational performance is described as ââ¬Ëmotivationââ¬â¢. Discussion Motivation is described as a psychological attribute that arouses within an individual to achieve a desired objective such as organizational goal or individual performance. Moreover, to accomplish the goal or objective, desired behaviour is presented by the individual. Thus, it might be described that an unsatisfied need of an individual generates tension within the body that stimulates the driving force to gratify the requirement. Hence, it may be stated that motivation acts as the determining power that helps an individual to achieve the desired needs. So, motivation is described as one of the most essential approach for an entrepreneu r or a manager of an organization. This is because, without the knowledge of motivation, managers might fail to analyze the behaviours and attitudes of the subordinates working under him or her. Moreover, if the managers fail to understand the needs or the underlining requirements of the employees, then he might not be able to design the activities or responsibilities in desired way. As a result, the employees might not be stimulated to achieve the requisite objective in order to fulfil his or her inner wishes. Other than this, if the manager fails to motivate the employees, then their level of performance might not be improved thereby hampering the productivity and brand image of the organization. Side by side, the level of profit margin and distinctiveness of the organization might also get reduced to a significant extent as compared to other rivals operating in the similar segment. So, it might be clearly depicted from the above mentioned points that motivation acts as the medium to satisfy the needs. In this age of stiff economy and tough competition, performance is the only medium to cope up with challenges and rival players. However, to improve the level of performance of the employees and the organization, managers need to analyze their requirements i.e. basic or secondary needs. This is because; each and every employee gets motivated in different way and so the managers need to analyze their desires (either hygiene or motivators) in different way. Only then, the level of dedication of the employees might get enhanced in order to accomplish such inner desires in a significant way. By doing so, the level of efficiency and performance of the organization might also get improved thereby amplifying its growth rate. Apart from this, the total sales and brand loyalty of the organization might also get enhanced thereby amplifying its dominance among the existing players. Along with this, the rate of retention of the experienced employees might get enhanced the reby reducing the ratio of attrition. Therefore, motivation acts as a medium to enhance the level of satisfaction and performance f the organization.
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